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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Reading Fundraising Tea Leaves

Not that I'm a fan of tasseography (I learned a new word today!), but since the media wants to judge the strength of candidates based on their current fundraising efforts, consider this. The media was heavily focused yesterday on the fact that Hillary had raised $1.1 million in the 24 hours after she won New Hampshire, and that McCain was bringing in "over $100,000 a day" since his win there. Funny they neglected to notice that Romney has raised over $5 million since the NH vote.

Of course, even $5 million is not much when you are trying to run ads in big states like Michigan, South Carolina, and Nevada at the same time...not to mention the cost of trying to gear up for the Florida primary on the 29th, or the huge Super Tuesday multi-state primary on Feb. 5th. But it is interesting, and is one more reason not to buy into the media take on how things are shaping up.

One more point: a new round of polls are finally out in Michigan, and taking the average, Romney appears to have a small lead right now. It'll be a battle...only 5 days to go, so now's the time to act and do what you can!

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