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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nominee Choice of Non-Republicans

Get this from Rich Lowery at National Review Online:
Has this ever happened before? This is kind of amazing. I'm looking at CNN exit polls at the numbers for self-identified Republicans. McCain lost self-identified Republicans by a point in New Hampshire...he lost self-identified Republicans by 14 points in Michigan; and he tied among self-identified Republicans in South Carolina and Florida. In other words, McCain is close to the presumptive nominee GOP nominee without having won self-identified Republican voters anywhere. What an extraordinary—and utterly unlikely—path to the nomination. Presumably, with his front-runner status enhanced, McCain will now begin to win self-identified Republicans, but he has pulled the political equivalent of an inside-straight to get here."

Wake up Republicans! Wake up conservatives! Unless we unite behind Romney now, a liberal Republican will be our nominee and the Party will have lost its identity. All of us living in the 21 states voting next Tuesday are now the ultimate "firewall" for the Republican Party. Don't let the opportunity pass...do something active this week to help out!

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