What is the value of liberty to you? Is it worth the price of a government check?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Campaign 2010

It's time to get government off our backs and pull our nation back from the brink of financial insolvency. It's time to fight to repeal the awful health care bill of Obama and the Democrats.

Follow this link to my new blog focused on the new campaign. Please spread the word.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The FIGHT is TODAY! (literally)

If you can take time off this afternoon...do it and flood Congress with phone calls, web site messages, e-mails, anything and everything you can. THIS MONSTROSITY OF A HEALTH CARE REFORM BILL MUST BE STOPPED!!

If the Dems somehow weasel this through against public opinion...we must do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to make them pay DEARLY in November so we can get this disastrous legislation reversed.

But much more effective to stop it NOW. Today is the day. Tomorrow...Friday...may literally be too late.