Since we are within a month of the election, let me state my biggest concerns about the candidates.
John McCain
While I do not agree at all with the major Obama talking point that McCain is "erratic" or "out of touch" (I think we should just go ahead and toss those words in the garbage can where we're talking about McCain), I do think that we've seen a tendency for early strong/dramatic/symbolic statements and action from McCain in response to events. This is not necessarily all bad, and certainly does not represent his entire response to situations, but has potential downside as well as upside, I think. I think his initial response to the financial crisis was mostly fine...declare that it is a very important item to deal with, and move to show he is also demonstrated that the issue facing the nation was more important to him that the routines of the moment, including the debate. However, in this case there were aspects he could not control, including Obama's response as well as the Congress' response, and his action seemed to raise expectations such that when he could not bring Obama and the Congress around to his point precisely, he had to back off and it ended up not increasing confidence as he had intended. Now, as President he would certainly have more ability to control/influence, but it is still hardly absolute and therefore this tendency of his could be problematic in some cases.
Barack Obama
My biggest concerns about Obama are very straightforward:
(1) His track record is very liberal. Talk is one thing, actions are another. I don't see actions in his past that say "centrist," only actions that say "liberal." And for many reasons, which we should get into sometime soon, I think many of the deepest problems in our society today stem from liberal/secular philosophy and policies.
(2) I still have not heard any effective claim from the pro-Obama camp that he has accomplished much of stand-out significance in his life beyond promoting himself. You can claim that he has run a good presidential campaign, and that's true...but isn't that just promoting yourself by other means? Again, speaking of experience and accomplishments, it is pretty stunning how little Obama has to show from his life thus far. The last President to have had such limited experience and accomplishment before becoming President? Jimmy Carter. And a close second? George Bush (junior). So no matter what party affiliation you have, I would think this should make you stop and think. (You all know I like Bush, but he has had his problems regardless.)
(3) In terms of leadership, yes I do like someone who can be reflective and cautious and so a degree. But there are times, not infrequent for the President, where that is not an effective course--it can convey the impression of being irresolute or uncertain or hesitant.
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