What is the value of liberty to you? Is it worth the price of a government check?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Juicy, juicy...

Joe Biden may want to rethink his recent comment that "raising taxes is patriotic."  As McCain and Palin have both now replied: it's not about patriotism...raising taxes in the current economic environment is just dumb policy.  It will only cost jobs when we can ill afford it.  Again...tax business-->businesses have less money-->businesses raise prices on all of us and cut jobs.  


David said...

ummm....let's be clear. that's McCain/Palin's mischaracterization of what Biden said, which was that the middleclass and poor need more, so their taxes will be lowered. As for those making over $250K/yr, he said: "It's time to be patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut." He didn't call "raising taxes" patriotic. =]

Teej MacArthur said...

And yet, half of Americans pay no income taxes at all...

justkidding said...

In a campaign full of mischaracterizations, I'd say that one's pretty minor, though.

Teej MacArthur said...

True enough. Just not well spoken...

Teej MacArthur said...

Also, on Dave's comment - since the majority of taxes are already paid by those making over $250K per year, I'm not sure why Biden says it's time for those folks to "get on board" and "be part of the deal." Those folks are already most of the deal.