It's time to get government off our backs and pull our nation back from the brink of financial insolvency. It's time to fight to repeal the awful health care bill of Obama and the Democrats.
Follow this link to my new blog focused on the new campaign. Please spread the word.
America's Presidential Campaign '08
What is the value of liberty to you? Is it worth the price of a government check?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Campaign 2010
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
11:11 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The FIGHT is TODAY! (literally)
If you can take time off this it and flood Congress with phone calls, web site messages, e-mails, anything and everything you can. THIS MONSTROSITY OF A HEALTH CARE REFORM BILL MUST BE STOPPED!!
If the Dems somehow weasel this through against public opinion...we must do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to make them pay DEARLY in November so we can get this disastrous legislation reversed.
But much more effective to stop it NOW. Today is the day. Tomorrow...Friday...may literally be too late.
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
11:15 AM
Saturday, August 15, 2009
OBAMA gaffe: 'UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. It's the Post Office having problems"
This is TOO good...and the government that can't even run the Post Office as well as the private sector is going to run health care better...why????
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
4:36 PM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thank You, Rabbi!
WE ALL ARE Rabbi Shifren
We are living in an era of insanity! Witness the latest attempt to remake the nature of our country, founded and established on certain principles that have been the envy of the entire world. The latest assault on our country and its values comes in the form of vicious and criminal violence against the Mormon church in Westwood, California
Interesting how the selective self-righteous indignation on the part of the radical Gay activists is played out here: they bewail the blow to freedom and justice! But I thought we just had elections, where the majority of Californians expressed their views in a free and open manner. Are we not a nation of laws? Dare we relive the McCarthy era, where Americans were harassed and threatened with the loss of their jobs for believing in a certain way? If the Gay radicals should have their way, untold numbers of Americans would live under the threat of the Gay-Lesbian "thought police," where individuals that reject the Gay lifestyle would be sought out and have sanctions brought against them.
It's bad enough for those working in the entertainment industry here in Los Angeles, where a fog of political correctness and a bending over backwards to accommodate, even promote Gay lifestyle is in full gear. Let none dare say that this type of activity is anathema to our country, our morality, and the debauchery of our young people.
Let it be stated unequivocally: The radical Gay attack on the Mormons is the shot over the bow against the United States of America. There was a time when what a man did in his bedroom was sanctified between himself and G-d. Now we are being served an "in-your-face" smorgasbord of smut and licentiousness as being between people who only "want their civil rights."
Hogwash! We are dealing with the equivalent of a moral takeover of the country that has as its bedrock a belief in G-d and His promise for humanity. They don't want civil rights! What they desire is quasi Gay/Lesbian hegemony, where a huge "bookburning," reminiscent of the Nazis, will purge any remnants of the "Christian, White, mainstream America" that has given ALL AMERICANS the most profound scope of freedom, liberty, and justice that Mankind has yet to experience.
People have perhaps wondered: why the Mormons? Answer: they are a small, yet vocal Christian minority. They have been selected by the mobs as vulnerable, a group that might not have such massive support among America's Christians.
We who are friends of the Mormons, their patriotism, their family values, will not falter in our continued support of these dear Americans. Let us recall the Christian minister Niemoller, whose admonition during those dark years of Nazi Germany moved us to our core:
"When they came for the gypsies, I said nothing, because I wasn't a gypsy. When they came for the homosexuals, I said nothing, because I wasn't a homosexual. When they came for the Jews, I said nothing, because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I said nothing, because I wasn't a Catholic......then they came for me, and there was no one left to defend me."
My fellow Americans, in the coming battle for the heart and soul of America and everything we cherish, may this call to arms be the mantra of every concerned patriot:
Here's the link to the original.
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
10:16 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
As I've Been Saying...
From Mark Steyn recently: "The president-elect’s so-called tax cut,” Mark wrote soon after the election, “will absolve 48 percent of Americans from paying any federal tax at all. Just under half the population will be on the dole. By 2012 it will be more than half. This will be an electorate where the majority will be able to vote itself more lollipops from the minority still dumb enough to prioritize self-reliance, dynamism and innovation over the cocoon of the nanny state….That will be the death of the American idea.”
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
10:19 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Romney's Good Sense
Good strong sense made in this op-ed article by my still-favorite former presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, about the dangers of a Washington bailout of Detroit's auto makers. A good read.
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
10:46 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
Support for Mormon Efforts Supporting Prop 8 from Fellow Christians
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
5:05 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Offer to Peasants?
We will appreciate the wonders of presidential transition, but simultaneously we still need to keep our eye on the political ball...perhaps know more than ever. Does this cartoon nail it?
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
7:01 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Marriage Defended
The pro-marriage voting in Florida and Arizona appears to have been solid, and it appears Prop 8 in California is likely to pass though we're awaiting final word.
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
8:37 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
President Obama
We're still awaiting final numbers, but it's official that Barack Obama will be our next President.
Posted by
Teej MacArthur
9:52 PM