What is the value of liberty to you? Is it worth the price of a government check?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Introducing: Sarah Palin

This transcription of Gov. Palin's statement introducing herself is as good a starter on getting to know her as any I think, so check out this link and see what you think: Governor Sarah Palin

Clearly one of the angles they are taking is that Palin can garner some of the voters who were behind Hillary's campaign at least in part because of her gender.  That's smart.  You find a way to get votes from whatever quarter you can.  

She certainly appears tough enough for the campaign and she's clearly driven by conservative principles and has shown strength in sticking to her principles.  Check out this link to a USA Today article about her.  And an LA Times article on her.  

She hasn't been in politics a long time, but what experience she has is executive experience as mayor and as governor, which is more than can be said for McCain, Obama, or Biden.  To get a sense of her style, you should watch this 8-minute YouTube clip of Glen Beck and in the second half he interviews her.  She's impressive in her communication ability, no doubt.  

We may not feel like we get to know her better until the VP debate (not sure when that will be), but it should be interesting.  I'm open-minded about the choice and inclined to feel quite positively about it, but again things are sketchy still because we are only now being introduced.  

Am I bummed about Romney not getting the nod?  Sure, but it's not that unexpected, and in any case the other advantage is by not picking a primaries opponent nobody's supporters can feel put out by not having "their guy" selected.  

Nope It's Not Mitt

Sounds like Gov. of Alaska, Sara Palin.  Anytime a relative unknown is picked I don't think it matters much.  The one smart thing about it is that if John McCain wins it will likely be with support from some Hillary Clinton backers, so choosing a woman on the ticket could be meaningful to those voters.  It will be interesting to see what the reaction is to the pick.  

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama Speech Reaction

There were some moments in the speech that were not particularly good, but the last 10-15 minutes or so were excellent.  

Regardless of political philosophical differences and party affiliation, we should all feel proud to see an American with African ancestry up there on the stage accepting the nomination of a major political party.  One of our cherished values as a people is that we believe in equality of opportunity, and here Barak Obama was, having taken advantage of his opportunity and succeeding.  He spoke with the voice of a leader and was skilled in his delivery.  The purposeful comparison to Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech was important...we should judge a person by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.  So it was a proud moment for all Americans to see this value enacted.  

Now, I had my kids sit and watch a portion of the speech, and I tried to explain a few things to them.  First, that each party has a chance to bring many of their strongest supporters together for a convention, and it gives them a chance to look their very best.  Obama has his turn this week, McCain will have his next.  Second, that political speeches are like advertisements.  They are designed to persuade in a particular direction; they are not designed to give context and balanced understanding.  When Obama said that when votes came up in the Senate promoting higher fuel efficiency vehicles or more investment in renewable energy and "John McCain said no," he is making it sound as though McCain is against those things, when of course he's not - he may just not have liked that particular bill or that particular approach to the problem.  So you can't just accept these things in a political speech.  You listen, record some key claims and points in your brain; you listen to the other side and you read other opinions and think it through and compare to other things you know.  

That's our job over upcoming weeks; to try to see through the talking points.  I heard a strange (to me) analysis by a CNN reporter after the speech, where he said that in his experience with campaigns over the years, he thinks the differences between the candidates are greater and more stark than he's ever seen.  I'm not sure he's been on the same planet I have in that case.  I think the differences were much more stark in the last few elections than in this one.  That said, there are key differences as we've discussed in past months.  Those differences will be our focus over the next 10 weeks.  

I was impressed by another thing in the speech.  Most Democrats I've heard speak do not speak as strongly regarding the importance of a strong and determined foreign policy as Obama did.  He also was able to bring up some normally very divisive social issues in a manner that found some areas of agreement.  And, he was willing to state that yes, his proposals will be expensive, but that he feels he has accounted for how to pay for these things.  Normally it seems to me Democrats are not as forthright in discussing the cost of many of the programs they propose.  I thought it was impressive that he was willing to put those things out there openly, which are normally considered weak areas for Democrats.  

Now we will begin to hear and talk about counterpoints to Obama's speech.  It's one thing to talk about a strong foreign policy, but how would he respond to specific situations?  He's been criticized by many including some in his own party (even his now-running-mate Joe Biden) for expressing a willingness to meet with pretty much any of our enemies, kind of an "anytime, anywhere, we should at least talk to them" approach.  Although this sounds good, it is not always wise policy.  There are many ways to communicate, of course, but in terms of direct talks (and especially with the President himself), there are important signals that are sent to both enemies and allies around the world with certain actions, and these have to be weighed carefully.  Sometimes the right thing may be direct talks.  Other times it may be best and most effective to communicate in other ways than direct talks with the President.

It's one thing to find some areas of agreement in divisive social issues, but in many respects that just kicks the can a little farther down the road, but ultimately they still have to be dealt with and there is not always an effective compromise position to certain issues.  And on these divisive issues, as we'll discuss, Obama as a Democrat is pretty much required to take a certain side when push comes to shove on these issues.  Abortion is a case in point.  With the recent question-answer session on these topics with Obama and McCain, Obama addressed the moral questions related to abortion, but in terms of specific position, he did not differ with the position of his party.  In fact, one of the key problems I have with Obama is that although he sounds very reasonable and balanced, his actions at least to this point in his career have been down-the-line liberal orthodox.  So when it comes right down to it, it seems to me that Obama has shown himself in action to be extremely liberal, not centrist as he is working to sound now.  

And, it's one thing to have the courage to say "yes my programs will be expensive, but I have a plan for how to pay for them" and it's another thing to actually make that happen.  Once government programs are put into place, they tend to take on a life of their own and it ends up being a lot tougher to pay for than was anticipated.  You may recall that when President Reagan took office, he planned to both cut taxes significantly, and cut government programs significantly.  Well, he succeeded in cutting taxes, and the economy benefitted, but he had a heck of a time trying to get Congress to cut government programs.  That tends to be the way of things.  

So those are a few early thoughts I have.  Let me know yours.

P.S. Word is out that tomorrow at noon John McCain will announce his running mate.  Although I still have no idea, I've heard a few details that suggest that it just might be Romney.  We'll find out one way or the other tomorrow.   

For those of you who, like me, think Romney was the best candidate running for either party, if Romney does become the VP pick, let's make an online donation to John McCain's campaign to show our support.  Sound good?  

Convention Time!

Apologies all around for my long hiatus from the political blogging!  Long story short big changes at work have been kicking my butt on top of all the other things we have going.

Also, to be quite honest, my enthusiasm has waned a bit, in large part because I was truly excited by Romney as a candidate, but not as much by McCain, and I have distinct differences with Obama and the Democrats.

That said, I still recognize the great important of this election, and it's time to get some discussion going again.  There's just a little over 2 months to go until election day, so let's put our thinking caps on and see what we come up with.  

Just a quick couple of thoughts to get this started, and will follow with other (issue oriented) posts in coming days.

(1) Despite Obama's distinct natural advantages in this election cycle, McCain has pulled into a statistical tie with him in recent weeks.  This is astoundingly impressive to me.  Just based on the dynamics in the political world this year, I would expect Obama to have a substantial lead.  So hand it to Mr. McCain and his team...great job so far guys.  

(2) We are nearing the end of the Democratic Convention in Denver, and Obama gives his acceptance speech tonight.  Given what a great speech maker he is, I expect a strong performance from him.  His choice of Joe Biden as his running mate I personally don't think is a big deal nor will it change anything much in the overall dynamics in the race.  

(3) It appears likely that McCain will announce his VP pick as early as tomorrow, in part to shorten the cycle of attention for Obama and the Democrats that usually follows a convention.  I've heard mixed things.  A lot of people are suggesting Romney will be the guy, but I've heard a couple of comments to the contrary so I'm really not sure.  Of course I think it would be the best pick he could make, but we shall see.  

(4) Based on my brother David's request, my next topical post will be about health care policy.  It's an incredibly complex topic, but I'll try to break it down to the essentials and tell you what I know or can discern about the proposals of McCain and Obama on health care policy.  

Thanks everyone!